Thursday, March 22, 2018

Corporate Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: The Perfect Storm

Are corporate ethics and new technologies such as AI on an unavoidable collision course?

More than ever before, we, individually and collectively, are more dependent on businesses to supply the technologies that are essential for everything we do (and governments are equally so dependent). At the same time, businesses continue to grapple with significant corporate ethics issues – Uber, VW and Wells Fargo are three recent examples. With the advent and implementation of new and more technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous (self-driving) vehicles, etc., what are the ethical issues of concern that business leaders should be attuned to and how exactly are businesses incorporating ethics into the mix? Or are we being left without the human input and oversight that are able to recognize and address ethical issues? Will these new technologies change the norms of corporate ethical behaviour? How should boards of directors approach the ethical challenges involved in balancing the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence? How will businesses deal with new challenges to ethical corporate behaviour that are now becoming more commonplace e.g. ransomware, Wannacry, hacker blackmail etc.

Note: This event is qualified for 1.0 Substantive Hours under the Rules of the Law Society of Ontario.

If you wish to watch a replay of the seminar, please clickhere