Wednesday, September 23, 2020
COVID-19 was first identified in December of 2019. By March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic. In Canada, the first presumptive case of COVID19 was found in Toronto on January 25th. By mid-March, Canada announced plans to close the border to International Travel most provinces declared states of emergency, closing businesses and pushing workforces into remote working arrangements. While much attention has been paid to the economic and physical health impacts of the pandemic, an increasing challenge is the direct and indirect impact of COVID-19 and the resulting lockdowns on mental health in the workplace.
Aligned with our commitment to supporting dialogue on current topics of interest, The Ethics Centre is pleased to present a webinar on this topic:
COVID-19 and Employee Mental Health
September 23, 2020, from 1 -2 pm ET.
Dr. Chris MacDonald, Director of the Ted Rogers Leadership Centre at Ryerson University, will moderate a conversation focused on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 on the workplace from legal, business, occupational health and academic perspectives.
The conversation will explore:
• The risks companies and individuals are facing and what is being done in response.
• The direction that labour/employment law is taking and associated potential long term implications.
• What employers can do to support employees in this new environment?
• Will any changes in the business landscape be temporary or longer lasting?
Dr. Chris MacDonald, Chair, Department of Law & Business at Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
Kate McNeill-Keller, Partner, Labour & Employment Law, McCarthy Tétrault
Dr. Ash Bender, Occupational Psychiatrist, Medical Consultant (Work, Stress and Health Program), CAMH
Dr. Pnina Alon-Shenker, Associate Professor, Dept. of Law and Business, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
Scott Milligan, Chief Corporate Officer, Morneau Shepell
This webinar has been generously sponsored by:
Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
The Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy looks forward to keeping in touch with electronic messages containing event invitations, newsletters and other information.